Monday, October 6, 2008

Jan 08 WDW Trip Re-visited/Day 2

The morning of day 2 illustrates why I need to learn to listen to my bodies cues. Plain and simple I pushed too hard and as a result I woke up in a foul mood.

The alarm clock sounded and I jumped out of bed to take my shower. While I was getting dressed I woke Sonny up for his turn in the bathroom. I also suggested that he call LJ and see if they had started getting ready yet. We had plans to get to Animal Kingdom this morning and I didn’t want to meet a line at Expedition Everest.

My intentions were to walk down to the food court and possibly bring my hubby some breakfast to the room. But I realized that Brianne and LJ would still need breakfast, so we would still have to stop later. I nixed that idea and walked into the gift shop. I just did some general browsing and picked up a pair of cute iridescent Mickey earrings.

On the way back to the room I took some more pictures of the grounds and stopped for about 15 minutes down by the pool and read a few chapters from a book I had been reading. All of the things that I did was to give everyone else a chance to get ready without me hovering and rushing them. I was seriously trying to take the vacation as it came and chill out.

That all went out the window when I got to the room and everybody was still asleep! When I, not so gently, nudged Sonny he immediately got out of the bed apologizing for falling back asleep. You know that inner struggle you sometimes go through where you want to scream, but you feel like decorum calls for you to act like a non lunatic? Well that is the place I was at.

It was after rope drop at this point and I saw the chances of us getting to ride Expedition Everest more than once go sailing out of the window.

Pulling out my laptop and going through the pictures we had taken thus far put me in a better frame of mind. When Brianne came through the connecting doors apologizing for turning their alarm clock off, I told her no problem and I really meant it. I simply explained to her that my main concern was that if we got into AK too late they would see some horrible wait times and fast pass return times into the evening.

We arrived in Animal Kingdom at about 10:30 and walked straight back to Expedition Everest. 

The wait time was at 60 minutes and the fast pass return time was showing between 2:40 and 3:40. With only one glitch with LJ’s ticket we got our fastpasses and contemplated our next move. There definitely was a consensus that we didn’t want to stand in line for an hour, but with only a short time before our reservation at the Rainforest Café we were limited in our choices.

The four of us are standing there talking and I said something to Brianne that came across to Sonny the wrong way. So 15 minutes got sucked into a vortex as Sonny and I had a heated discussion about our “collective attitudes”. Trust me when I say that it was not pretty! Brianne and LJ walked off to give us some time and space. I didn’t realize until later that LJ was upset because he thought we were arguing about them. NOPE! Mr. & Mrs. SarCastro just had to take a minute to clear the air.

Once we expressed ourselves, cleared the air and made up, everything was fine.

By this point it is time for our reservation at RFC so we headed that way. Plus, with the late start we didn’t have any breakfast.

We browsed the gift shop until they called us for lunch and waited no more than 10 minutes.

I love the over the top theme in the Rainforest Café and we usually go at least once a trip. Brianne and LJ had not been prepped before hand about what to expect. We wanted them to be surprised. They loved the entire experience and the food was good.  

The best part of the entire lunch was that we only spent $7 each couple for our meal and tip. How was that possible you ask? Stay tuned.

Up next: A $7 meal and Festival of the Lion King.


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